Togo Overview

Togo is located in West Africa and borders Ghana, Benin and Burkina Faso. The country also has a short coastal strip towards the Gulf of Guinea, where the capital Lomé is located.

Capital: Lomé
Biggest city: Lomé
State: republic
Language: French
Religion: Christianity, indigenous religions, Islam
Surface: 56 785 km²
Population: 6.2 million (2013)
Population density: 106 residents per km²
Life expectancy: 60 years
Illiteracy: 39%
Currency: CFA franc (XOF)
1 CFA franc = 0.01 kr
GDP per capita: $ 800 (2010)
Time difference: -1 hour
Electricity: 220 V AC, 50Hz
National Day: April 27
Country area code: 228
2-Letter country abbreviation: TG (See more abbreviations on Abbreviationfinder)
Business: agriculture 64%, service sector 30%, industry 6%
Climate: tropical, with rainy seasons from March to July and from October to November; steppe climate in the north, with rainy season from April to July

Togo flag

There is no record of Togo’s history before the Portuguese arrived in the 15th century. In the 17th century, Togo became known as the “Slave Coast”, as it was here that Europeans came to buy slaves. In 1905 the country became a German colony called “Togoland”, but after the First World War it came under British and French administration. It was not until 1960 that Togo regained its independence.

Togo is heavily dependent on its agriculture, which employs 65% of the workforce. Togo is the world’s fourth largest producer of phosphate, but production fell sharply in 2002 due to a shortage of electricity and the cost of developing new deposits. The government is trying to implement economic reforms with the support of the IMF and the World Bank, but the work is slow.

One of Togo’s most popular tourist attractions is the tata huts in Nadoba north of Kara. The small mud huts with reed roofs were originally used to protect against slave traders.


The following objects in Togo are listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The year in which the item was added to the list is indicated in parentheses.

  • Koutammakou’s cultural landscape (2004)


Electricity and electrical outlets in Togo

Voltage: 220 V

Frequency: 50 Hz

Type of plug: C

Need an adapter: No, you do not need an adapter.


Weather in Lomé

Climate Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Christmas Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Average temperature °C 26 27 28 28 27 25 25 24 25 26 27 26
Rain (mm) 11 23 55 96 145 204 72 22 49 87 28 9

Togo 2


According to Countryaah, Lomé, located on the Gulf of Guinea, is the capital of Togo and has 839,000 residents (2003). Lomé is Togo’s administrative, cultural and industrial center. Coffee, cocoa and more are exported from here, and there is also an oil refinery here. The city is also an important export port.

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