Brevig Mission, Alaska Weather by Month

Brevig Mission is a small village located in the Nome Census Area of the U.S. state of Alaska. Located on the northern shore of Port Clarence, it lies approximately 5 miles north of Teller and 66 miles northwest of Nome. The village is part of the Bering Straits Region and is surrounded by vast expanses of tundra and rugged terrain. Brevig Mission is predominantly inhabited by Inupiat Eskimos, who have historically relied on subsistence hunting and fishing for their livelihoods.

Geography and Demographics

The village of Brevig Mission covers an area of approximately 2.7 square miles. Its location along the coast of Port Clarence offers stunning views of the Bering Sea and the surrounding wilderness. The population of Brevig Mission fluctuates, but it typically hovers around 400 residents, most of whom are of Inupiat descent.

Major Landmarks

Brevig Mission is a remote village with limited infrastructure and amenities. While it may not boast the towering skyscrapers or bustling streets of larger cities, it is rich in natural beauty and cultural heritage. Visitors to Brevig Mission can explore the pristine wilderness that surrounds the village, including opportunities for hiking, wildlife viewing, and birdwatching. Additionally, the village is home to several historical sites and landmarks that offer insight into the region’s indigenous history and traditions.

Climate and Weather Overview

Average Climate Statistics

Month Average Temperature (F) Average Precipitation (in) Average Sunny Days
January -5.1 0.43 1
February -4.3 0.41 3
March -1.6 0.39 6
April 8.3 0.28 10
May 26.4 0.32 13
June 42.1 0.63 15
July 49.5 1.23 15
August 48.3 1.49 13
September 39.5 1.10 9
October 24.1 0.73 4
November 6.3 0.51 1
December -3.8 0.46 1

Weather by Month


January in Brevig Mission brings frigid temperatures and limited daylight hours. The average temperature hovers around -5.1°F (-20.6°C), with minimal precipitation. Residents and visitors alike must bundle up in layers to stay warm, as harsh winds can exacerbate the cold. Outdoor activities are limited during this time, but adventurous souls may still enjoy snowshoeing or cross-country skiing across the snow-covered landscape.


February continues the cold trend in Brevig Mission, with average temperatures slightly rising to around -4.3°F (-20.2°C). While precipitation remains relatively low, occasional snowfall can add to the winter scenery. Despite the chilly weather, February offers slightly longer daylight hours, providing more opportunities for outdoor exploration. Snowmobiling and ice fishing are popular activities for those willing to brave the cold.


March marks the beginning of spring in Brevig Mission, though temperatures remain below freezing for much of the month. The average temperature rises to around -1.6°F (-18.7°C), signaling the gradual transition out of winter. With increasing daylight hours, residents may start to see signs of thawing in the landscape. However, snowstorms are still possible, so outdoor activities should be approached with caution. Hiking and wildlife spotting are potential activities as daylight extends.


April brings noticeable changes to Brevig Mission as temperatures begin to rise above freezing. The average temperature climbs to 8.3°F (-13.2°C), and daylight hours continue to increase. While snow may still be present, particularly at higher elevations, the landscape starts to thaw, revealing patches of bare ground. Outdoor enthusiasts can take advantage of the milder weather by exploring hiking trails and observing the emergence of wildlife.


May marks the arrival of spring in full force, with significantly warmer temperatures and longer daylight hours. The average temperature jumps to 26.4°F (-3.1°C), and snowmelt accelerates, transforming the landscape into a vibrant tapestry of greenery. The return of migratory birds signals the onset of the breeding season, making birdwatching a popular pastime. Hiking, fishing, and berry picking are also favored activities as nature awakens from its winter slumber.


June brings pleasant weather to Brevig Mission, with average temperatures reaching 42.1°F (5.6°C). The landscape bursts into bloom as wildflowers carpet the tundra, creating a stunning backdrop for outdoor adventures. Longer daylight hours allow for extended exploration, with opportunities for hiking, camping, and wildlife photography. Fishing enthusiasts can cast their lines in the rivers and streams teeming with salmon and trout.


July is typically the warmest month in Brevig Mission, with average temperatures peaking at 49.5°F (9.7°C). The summer season is in full swing, and the village comes alive with outdoor festivities and cultural events. Residents and visitors can enjoy picnics by the shore, beachcombing along the coastline, and boating excursions in the Bering Sea. Hiking trails beckon adventurers to explore the rugged wilderness, while berry picking offers a delicious reward for nature enthusiasts.


August brings continued warmth to Brevig Mission, with average temperatures remaining in the mid to upper 40s°F (7-9°C). The landscape is alive with activity as wildlife thrives in the abundance of food and favorable weather conditions. Outdoor enthusiasts can embark on extended camping trips, exploring remote corners of the wilderness and immersing themselves in the tranquility of nature. Fishing remains a popular pastime, with ample opportunities to reel in a big catch.


September marks the transition to fall in Brevig Mission, with cooler temperatures and shorter daylight hours. The average temperature drops to 39.5°F (4.2°C), signaling the onset of the autumn season. While summer activities wind down, opportunities for outdoor exploration abound. Hiking trails offer stunning views of the changing foliage, while berry picking provides a last chance to harvest nature’s bounty before winter sets in.


October brings crisp autumn days to Brevig Mission, with average temperatures plummeting to 24.1°F (-4.4°C). The landscape undergoes a dramatic transformation as trees shed their leaves, painting the tundra in shades of red, orange, and gold. While daylight hours continue to decrease, outdoor enthusiasts can still enjoy hiking and wildlife spotting amidst the stunning fall scenery. However, visitors should be prepared for colder temperatures and the possibility of early snowfall.


November heralds the arrival of winter in Brevig Mission, with plunging temperatures and dwindling daylight hours. The average temperature drops to 6.3°F (-14.3°C), and snowfall becomes more frequent as the landscape becomes blanketed in white. Outdoor activities become more limited as the village prepares for the long winter ahead. Residents may focus on indoor pursuits such as crafting, storytelling, and traditional Inupiat cultural activities.


December brings deep winter conditions to Brevig Mission, with bitter cold temperatures and short daylight hours. The average temperature dips to -3.8°F (-19.9°C), making outdoor activities challenging for all but the most adventurous souls. Residents may gather indoors to celebrate the holiday season, sharing meals, songs, and stories with family and friends. Despite the harsh weather, Brevig Mission remains a place of warmth and community spirit amidst the winter cold.

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